A non-refundable registration fee of $30 per student is due upon registration per each season.
Tuition is based on total family hours
Monthly Tuition and Registration Policy
Each student will pay a one-time registration fee of $30 for each season. The Pamelot School of Dance season begins in August and ends in June. Registration is collected on the first day of every month or first business day that follows by credit card, debit card or electronic payment upon signing up for each new season. Tuition is automatically withdrawn each month throughout the season on the date chosen upon class sign up (1st or 15th). Your first month's tuition will be prorated. A $10 late fee will be applied if tuition is not paid by date chosen upon class sign up. Tuition is a flat rate regardless of number of weeks in a month. There will be no reduction in fees for missed classes. Make-up classes are available within two months of the original missed class. You must be currently enrolled to take a make-up class. Single class drop in rate is $20 per class.
Per Week
1 hour
1.5 hours
2 hours
2.5 hours
3 hours
3.5 hours
4 hours
4.5 hours
5 hours
5.5 hours
6 hours/unlimited
Per Month
Additional $30 per month each additional family member.
Private lessons
1/2 hour
1 hour